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Monday, January 28, 2008

Hong Kong pro-democracy radio allowed back on air

A Hong Kong court ruled last week that a pirate radio station called "Citizens' Radio" can stay on the air. From a Reuters account:
High Court judge Michael Hartmann dismissed a government request to extend (the) ban (on the station). "Their methods may make some people uncomfortable but it must be accepted that, right or wrong, they see themselves as acting to protect certain fundamental freedoms," Hartmann said. Hartmann added that court injunctions of this nature, tied to criminal proceedings, should only be granted "exceptionally and with great caution." "When fundamental freedoms are at issue ... this court bears special responsibilities," he added. A lower court ruling had seemingly ruled in Citizens' Radio favor, finding local radio laws to be "unconstitutional." But this judgment was later suspended, pending an appeal by the government to a higher court...."The government should immediately prepare to amend the (radio) laws ... rather than continue to tell lies and abuse its power to harm a small radio station," said one of the radio activists, maverick lawmaker Leung Kwok-hung.

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