free103point9 Online Radio October 2007 Top 40

free103point9 Online Radio
October 2007 Top 40
1. Mammal, Lonesome Drifter (Animal Disguise)
2. Bruce Eisenbeil Sextet, Inner Constellation (Nemu)
Bruce Eisenbeil + Jean Cook + Nate Wooley + Aaron Ali Shaikh + Tom Abbs + Nasheet Waits.
3. Temperatures, Ymir (Heat Retention) LP
4. Phantom Limb & Bison, Phantom Limb & Bison (Evolving Ear)
5. Timeless Pulse Quintet, Timeless Pulse Quintet (Mutable)
6. Shelf Life, Ductworks (Public Eyesore)
7. David S. Ware Quartet, Renunciation (Aum Fidelity)
8. The Kevin Frenette 4, Connections (Fuller Street Music)
Kevin Frenette + Andy McWain + Todd Keating + Tatsuya Nakatani.
9. Alabrecht Maurer Trio Works, movietalks (JazzHausMusik)
10. Beardtongue, untitled (self)
11. Chris Forsyth + Nate Wooley, The Duchess of Oysterville (Creative Sources Recordings)
12. William Parker + Hamid Drake, Summer Snow (Aum Fidelity)
13. Tripwire, Looking in My Ear (Creative Sources)
14. Willing, Brotherhood of the Backwards Handshake (Evolving Ear)
15. Phil Minton + Yagihashi Tsukasa + Sato Yukie + Higo Hiroshi, Nippara * Tokyo (Austin Record)
16. Vampire Hands, Virgin Dust American Life (Freedom From)
17. Cadaver In Drag, Raw Child (Animal Disguise)
18. Giraffe, Hear Here (self)
19. William Parker + Hamid Drake, First Communion/Piercing the Veil 2xCD (Aum Fidelity)
20. Ting Ting Jahe, 18(16) (Winds Measure Recordings)
21. Jeff Arnal + Dietcich Eichmann, LP (Broken Research)
22. Thick Wisps, Thick Wisps (self)
23. If Bwana, Radio Slaves (Monochrome Vision)
24. Felix Werder, Electronic Music (Pogus)
25. David Watson, Fingering an Idea (XI Records)
26. MV & EE with the Bummer Road, Green Blues (Ecstatic Peace)
27. Duane Pitre/Pilotram Ensemble, Organized Pitches Ocurring in Time (Important)
28. Destructo Swarmbots, Clear Light (Public Guilt)
29. Robert Ashley, Now Eleanor's Idea (Lovely Music)
30. Ironing, Pocket Almanac (Hymn)
31. Meri von KleimSmid, Have a Spinach Salad (Latibulum)
32. Annea Lockwood, Thousand Year Dreaming/Floating World (Pogus)
33. Harm Stryker, Harm Stryker 3" CDr (Public Guilt)
34. The Peeesseye, Mayhem in the Mansion (Evolving Ear)
35. Various artists, ...a tidal wave of air & a subtle shift in landmarks (Passive Consumer)
36. Joseph Nechvatal, Viral Symph0ny (iea)
With Matthew Underwood, Andrew Deutsch, and Stephane Sikora.
37. Jonas Braasch, Global Reflections (Deep Listening)
38. Seejayno, Sedainty (Shinkoyo/Here See/Skulls of Heaven/BOC Sound Laboratories)
39. Albrecht Maurer + Norbert Rodenkirchen, Hidden Fresco (Nemu)
40. Eliane Radigue, Jetsun Mila (Lovely Music)
To submit CDs, LPs, CSs, etc. for consideration of airplay on free103point9 Online Radio, mail to:
5622 Route 23
Acra, NY 12405
Labels: free103point9 Online Radio, Mammal, October top 40
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