White Line Light

From serial consign:
"White Line Light" is an installation by Carsten Nicolai and Olaf Bender, two of the musicians behind the Raster-Noton imprint. It was presented recently in Toronto by Yatra Arts and the Goethe-Institut Toronto. "White Line Light" explores fluorescent lighting as a means of reading sound and space. The brightness of the slender lighting rig modulates in sync with accompanying equally sparse audio. The official release for the installation describes it as follows: "The sound and light work of Carsten Nicolai and Olaf Bender explores the limitations of what we can see and hear. Taking this as a point of departure, white line light uses electricity as a conduit to identify, define and lend shape to the invisible and inaudible phenomena found in our midst, at the same time creating a palpable tension between the work itself and its unique architectural setting."
Labels: Carsten Nicolai, Olaf Bender
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