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Friday, April 03, 2009

Coup d'etat at WBAI radio

From Edwin Johnston on NYC Indymedia:
Without any notice to WBAI manager Tony Riddle, nor to the governing board of the Pacifica Foundation, the interim executive director, Grace Aaron of Los Angeles, has conspired with some of her appointees to take control of WBAI in an undemocratic process. Here is a link to a reposted statement from Grace Aaron of her super-secret plan to take control of WBAI in NYC. This statement was reposted by Joe Wanzala of Berkeley, the vice chair of the Pacifica governing board. Earlier in the day, WBAI manager Tony Riddle sent out an e-mail to his staff making it known that Grace Aaron had directed the locks to be changed at the transmitter without informing him of any of this. During the day various programmers at WBAI began bringing this coup d'etat to light and members of the WBAI local and national board who are supportive of the coup are calling for those programmers who went on the air to complain to be fired and removed from their positions. All Pacifica stations and affiliates need to open their phone lines for a complete dialogue with listeners to get through this treacherous period.

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