Building community one watt at a time

On May 10, free103point9's efforts to bring a community radio station to Greene and Columbia counties in New York went public with a workshop at the Catskill Community Center in Catskill. (free103point9 is applying for a full-power FM station to serve the community.) From Dharma Dailey, who helped run the workshop:
Volunteers of the forthcoming yet-to-be-named Columbia-Greene community radio station set up a tiny radio station at the Catskill Community Center. Though the signal barely reached to the sidewalk outside the community center, people of all ages and ethnicities took a seat beside an old school desk to take turns interviewing family, friends, and strangers. Radios were strategically placed in the Community Center bathrooms, the Community Center art Gallery, and just outside on the sidewalk. We taped a few questions to the desk to get people going — and go they did! From the time that the parade led by the Catskill Drum Corps landed at the front door of the Center to the end of Second Saturday revels, people took the opportunity to listen to each other. A dad and his daughter sit down facing each other. One playfully begins to “announce” in Spanish. Other Spanish speakers stop on the street. Where is that Spanish coming from? There’s no Spanish radio around here! A crowd gathers around the window. More people migrate to the microphone. Discussion. A public discussion. A long-retired reporter asks an eight year old drum corp drummer, “If you had a radio show what would be on it?” After answering, the drummer asks the reporter, “What brought you to Greene County?” People run out from the gallery, “We just wanted to see who’s talking.” Someone comes out from the bathroom to join the conversation. The music in the my neighbors’ voices tells me they appreciate the opportunity, the excuse, to get acquainted with each other. Here it is, live local radio. Click here for a very short movie about the event. Audio by Kaya Weidman, Dharma Dailey. Photos by Corrine and Dharma Dailey. Editing by Dharma and Michael Truckpile.
Labels: Catskill Community Center, community radio, Dharma Dailey, Greene/Columbia community radio project
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