free103point9 Newsroom has moved to

free103point9 Newsroom has moved to of March 18, 2010 A blog for radio artists with transmission art news, open calls, microradio news, and discussion of issues about radio art, creative use of radio, and radio technologies. free103point9 announcements are also included here.

Sunday, March 30, 2008

Distant stations and home entertainment hi-jinks

Week Two of BYOTV welcomes Brooklyn, NY’s free103point9 into the airspace with a collection of works from their affiliated transmission artists! Founded in 1997, free103point9 is a nonprofit arts organization focused on establishing and cultivating the genre Transmission Arts. This genre encompasses a diversity of practices and media working with the idea of transmission or the physical properties of the electromagnetic spectrum. Several transmission artists are featured in this week of BYOTV, expect exciting orchestrations of/in the electromagnetic environment! From shortwave symphonies in Tom Roe’s Snowstorm and Todd Merrell’s analog elegy The Last Transmission to Tianna Kennedy and Chad Laird’s Frankensteinian foray 18 19 20, LoVid’s CCRT Transcontinental Streaming Performance and other works, these transmissions are high-intensity!

Also! eClECTiC ELeCTRoNiCs!! On Saturday April 5th, 7pm and FREE!!

The Video Gentlemen will host their first “in-studio” event as part of BYOTV. A live showcase entitled Eclectic Electronics, this event will unfold in real-time. Improvisation and suspense await…anything could happen! Bring your own TV or use one in the gallery to tune in to the broadcast! Audience members can call-in to ask questions! The guests this eve are the audio-visual artists behind such local and regional acts as Instinct Control, Disjunct and Warning Broken Machine. Tonight, unfathomable televisual trajectories are explored as home entertainment systems are turned inside out, short-circuited and rewired to reveal new audio-visual capabilities. Pursuing circuit-bending and other vernacular electronic arts, Portland’s Ryan Dunn, Eugene’s Don Haugen and special guests engage in discussion and demonstration of these curious pursuits

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