From The Video Gentlemen:
"Late March 2008, The Video Gentlemen’s BYOTV network launches a six-week season of special reports engaged with technocultural turnover from analog airwaves. Transmitted from within the New American Art Union, a variety of interdisciplinary artworks, live presentations, and workshops form inquisitive constellations around topics including e-waste, surveillance, haunted media and media archeology. Low-wattage transmissions emanate from an array of re-configured electronic detritus distributed around the gallery. Telecommunications, and the distance implicit in its operation is countered by a physical proximity prescribed by the limited range of the BYOTV transmissions. Visitors are encouraged to “bring their own TV,” or borrow one from the gallery, intercepting transmissions from their immediate airspace. Closely scrutinizing the premise of obsolescence, BYOTV tunes into an alternative agenda, encouraging new modes of cultural production, collaboration and exchange."
free103point9 is pleased to contribute a program of works for the Video Gentlemen’s BYOTV exhibition at the New American Art Union in Portland, Oregon.
Artists contributing work to the free103point9 curated program include 31 Down, The Dust Dive, Tianna Kennedy + Chad Laird, LoVid, Todd Merrell, ben owen + Sarah Margaret Halpern, ben owen + Justin Lincoln, and Tom Roe. You can watch and listen to the works from these free103point9 transmission artists here. Tianna Kennedy and Chad Laird's "18 19 20" via YouTube is below.
Show is March 19, 2008 – April 27, 2008 at New American Art Union, 922 SE Ankeny St., Portland, OR.
Labels: 31 Down, ben owen, BYOTV, LoVid, Sarah Margaret Halpern, The Dust Dive, The Video Gentlemen, Tianna Kennedy, Todd Merrell, Tom Roe, transmission art, video art
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