OPEN CALL: Deep Wireless 2007, Trans-X
Deep Wireless - Radio Without Boundaries
Call for works on the theme: Trans-x
Deadline for submissions - September 30th, 2006
Trans = from, across, beyond, through; X = unknown quantity.
transmission, transport, transversal, transgender, transaction, transitive, translation, transportation, transverse, transnational, translocal…
Make your own theme by adding a word to replace the X and create a piece for radio that reflects it.
New Adventures in Sound Art invites submissions of any duration less than 60 minutes in length that reflects the theme TRANS-X, makes use of original sound sources in interesting and innovative ways and are suitable for radio broadcast. Note there will be a special category called “Radio Art Interventions” on the same theme for pieces one minute in length.
Pieces will be selected for broadcast within Canada and on several international radio stations in May 2006 as part of the Deep Wireless festival of radio and transmission art. Deep Wireless celebrates radio as a creative and artistic medium for cultural expression.
The International submissions will be considered for inclusion in the following:
-The Deep Wireless 4 radio art compilation CD
-The radio art interventions (1 minute pieces played guerilla-style on radio stations during the Deep Wireless festival)
-The Radio Art Salon – a listening gallery of radio art works exhibited for the month of May
A small number of Canadian artists will be chosen from the submissions to be part of the Deep Wireless Commissioning Programme in 2007 co-produced with CBC radio's outfront with residencies at Charles Street Video in Toronto.